Wednesday 2 February 2011

Needz moar RAM.

Just fiddling with about with cloth, adding a plastic sorta texture with different measures for refraction with light. Some very basic bump-mapping on two of the spheres and turning up the luminance to 5700 cd/m to make a glow-in-the-dark cube.

Finishing the render on my interior scene as I type this...

Eyes open.


EDIT - Just seen how trash the quality of these videos are. I may upload them to youtube later. Then again maybe not.


Before I forget, I captured a few videos of basic tests I was doing like texture blending and animating with different tangent types. They arn't supposed to be all that informative at current (or interesting), as I say they are just tests, really to see if I can remember how to do all the things I say I can...

Oscar mike.

Well now...

I've had a nice few cups of green tea and a chance to calm myself down since I left university (also, good 3D session today), now I feel like I need to relearn all those skills I gained at college and lost in my absence from it.

A few hours blitzing 3DS Max methinks...I will report back with my results shortly. If I do not return then most likely; i've thrown the computer up in the air due to stress, the computer has exploded and killed me due to some serious CPU overclocking action in order to squeeze some extra frames out of this rig, or i've killed myself due to lack of motivation and to save time at a later stage.

Stay tuned.


Tuesday 1 February 2011

Max relax

Well, I'm not going to lie...I'm off down the pub.
But this is only because I've been rendering these 20 frames for the last three hours, bored.
So I'll still kinda be working, sort of, mostly...not really. Whatever, I need a pint, I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms, shaky hands and clouded judgement n'all that.

Oscar mike.